I decided that I was gonna fill the new house with art and what not on the cheap. Like use what I have repurpose redo get creative with crap and avoid spending money if at all possible cheap. I took everything down off the walls and asked myself, "Self, do you like this or is it lame?" for everything I touched. If I liked it I put it in the SAVE pile, if not...well...
If it was in a frame, it got taken out of the frame (repurpose/reuse). If it wasn't it got put in a
mountain pile of things to be donated. I've been ALL about purging. Think I've watched a few too many episodes of hoarders. I stacked up all my frames and started going through the SAVE pile. Let's just say the empty frame to available art was seriously skewed. I think I could've opened up a frame shop!
I turned to Pinterest (duh!) for ideas and resources of things I could make. A few things I tried were major fails, some worked ok and some were great! I also remembered the awesomness that is
The Graphics Fairy. This site is a DIY goldmine! I discovered a similar site,
Vintage Printable. It's kinda hard to navigate, but if you're patient you can find some really cool stuff.
I also decided to take a whack at some "graphic design" of my own using PSE. After some frustration trying to figure out things here and there, I had a couple things I thought were pretty cool! Since I love free stuff so much I decided to share! These were made with various images and some digital papers I got on Etsy.
click here to download
I find this kind of thing VERY addicting, so this probably won't be the last one of these to come from me! Enjoy!