

Change is good

I've been trying to make some changes... I started getting up at 5:15 (AM people...AM) so I could ride the stationary bike before work.  I've made myself sit at my craft table (ok, I did have a wedding flower order to fill) and work on some new stuff for my poor neglected Etsy shop.  I reorganized my extensive collection of buttons into mason jars.  I seem to be obsessed with those, can't pass them up with I find them in the thrift stores!  I've come with a way to recycle my leftover business cards from shop migration.  There are some new items in the planning stages that will hopefully be in the shop soonish.  I figured I might as well give the shop a face lift while I was at it!

New banner

New avatar

I tinkered is PSE9 a bit and decided to go with a vintagey feel (thanks to Rita's actions!!) Now if I can just work in more time taking pictures...