Last week I was bestowed the Stylish Blogger award, by April of Wildflowers & Whimsy. WOW, what an honor! There are a few rules that come along with accepting this award. I'm not too good at following rules completely, so I've made my own modifications!
Here's the rules
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered bloggers (I'm gonna go with 7, see I don't follow rules)
4. Contact the bloggers you nominated and tell them about the award.
7 things about me you may or may not know:
1. I have 6 tattoos. A sunflower on my lower back, my name in Cherokee on my upper back (in the middle), the Kanji for mother on my right ankle, the Kanji for wife on my left ankle, two butterflies facing each other (I'm a Gemini) on my left forearm and a Foo Dog (Japanese lion) surrounded by water lilies as a half sleeve on my right arm. Oh, and I'm not done yet!
2. I love to bake, especially cupcakes. When I'm not crafting/blogging I'm working on starting a cupcake catering business. Go on over and have a look a babee cakes.
3. If you couldn't tell from the title of my blog, I'm obsessed with the color orange. It takes quite a bit of will power not to buy everything orange I see! If it's orange I tend to automatically gravitate towards it. My favorite orange possession to date is a 1950's full length coat (with some FAB wood buttons) I got at a thrift store for 99 cents!
4. Since my hubs and I were married (11 years ago) we have moved 6 times. The longest we've ever stayed put in one spot is three years. Most of the moves have been for his job. We really like it here in San Antonio, so we plan on staying put for awhile (maybe...).
5. I have a bit of a fascination with photography. I pretended to be a photographer for a bit and even had an Etsy shop where I (attempted) to sell prints, cards and tags. I make due with my aging Sony Cybershot and (free) photo editing programs. I would really like a decent camera and maybe to take some classes.
6. Speaking of Etsy, I do have a shop I currently operate. I've got a link over there on the side bar. I make fabric flowers for you hair from various thrift store fabrics. I use clothes, drapes and any other textile I think will translate into a pretty flower. The idea to do this came from a random Google search. After reading a few different tutorials, I made my own templates and played around until I liked the result. My biggest order so far was for 200 flowers that were used in a wedding! It was quite an undertaking but I loved doing it! You can see a set I did for another wedding in this listing.
7. While I love being a mom (most days anyway, ha ha!), I'm one of those people that HATED being pregnant. Both of my pregnancies were miserable. My first started with spotting very early which lead to an early sonogram, which lead to a discovery of a tumor on my right ovary, which lead to surgery when I was 6 months pregnant (the tumor kept getting bigger and by OB didn't want to chance anything). I also had "morning sickness" that was an all day thing and lasted until I had my surgery. Then there was the gestational diabetes that prompted me being induced a little early. Round two was a little less dramatic. I repeated the early on spotting, but there was no tumor this time (thank goodness). I was fully prepared for gestational diabetes, and although I didn't have this time around I was in constant discomfort. Towards the end my group B strep test came back positive and I was already dilated around 5cm (no contractions though), so I was once again induced. So I decided we were done at that point, besides with 2 kids and 2 parents the playing field is level!
Here's the crafty spots I have discovered: