A few things you should know...
I've only been using the camera for about a week
I'm kinda obsessed with square cropping
I use Photoscape and/or Picnik to edit (they're free and I'm terrified of Photoshop)
Ok, I think that about covers it... now on to the photos!
Capture the sky - I was hoping for more sky, instead of clouds.
Everyday - I must have coffee EVERYDAY!!! I love my Keurig machine and these My-Kap thingys that make the k-cups reusable!
Furry - This was not taken with Betty, but it just cracks me up. There's a "drive through" zoo here and they give you these pellets to feed the animals. This zebra wanted to come in the car for his!
Life - Crumbs all over the table...is my life...
Blurred - This was not taken by Betty. It's the best photo to ever come from my point and shoot.
Blurred - This was not taken by Betty. It's the best photo to ever come from my point and shoot.
These are the party places I like to frequent. I may not make it to each one weekly, but they are all wonderful and deserve a visit.